What was once an old hay barn was turned into a fully equipped woodshop by my dad over the course of many years. I get to share it with him on a daily basis. This is the land where I grew up and where my family still lives. I count myself lucky that I get to spend my days here.
A woodshop in the woods with, in my opinion, the most beautiful stretch of the Elkhorn Creek running directly behind.
My dad has worked so hard over the years to eradicate invasive species around the property and re-introduce native plants and wildflowers. Now in the Spring the Bluebells bloom like crazy along the water!
The way the creek rises and falls behind the shop is incredible, sometimes it will barely come up past your ankles and sometimes it floods and rises to mere inches from spilling into the woodshop.
Blackberry Lily
River Cane that lines the path to the creek
The way this land changes with the seasons will never cease to amaze me.